Positive Emotions

Friends, Welcome to my 24th newsletter, this one dealing with positive emotions. Several years ago, I wrote about emotions – what they are, why they are so important and how we might better manage them. In this letter I want…

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Youth Mental Health Crisis

Friends, Welcome to my 23rd quarterly newsletter, this one addressing our youth mental health crisis and the role of our educational institutions in addressing this crisis. There is a mental health crisis happening across America, and it is most pronounced…

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The Stories Our Lives Tell

Friends, Welcome to my 22nd newsletter, this one dealing with “The Stories Our Lives Tell.”  In 2018 I wrote a newsletter on ‘Mastering the Stories We Tell Ourselves.” Just in case you have forgotten, the basic message of that newsletter was that…

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Understanding Anger

Friends, Welcome to my 20th quarterly newsletter. In earlier letters, I addressed forgiveness and kindness. In this one, I want to address an opposite emotion … ANGER. Anger, like all negative emotions, can serve a purpose. Anger helps us ensure…

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Thinking and the Second Half of Life

Friends, Welcome to my 19th quarterly newsletter. This one addresses our minds and our ability to think in the second half of life. Our minds and our thinking ability change in the second half of life – starting, believe it…

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Five Ways to Have Better Relationships

Friends, Welcome to my 18th newsletter, this one outlining five ways to have better relationships. Living with others is difficult, living without others is impossible. We are a social species that survived thousands of years ago, not because we could run…

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Dialogue & Discussion

Friends, Welcome to my 15th quarterly newsletter, this one on the concept of “dialogue.” At the foundation of successful organizations are effective relationships, which in turn, require effective communication. When we verbally communicate with others what comes most naturally is discussion,…

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Thriving in the Second Half of Life

Friends, Welcome to my 14th newsletter. Since I have just released a second book now available on Amazon entitled Thriving in the Second Half of Life, I thought I would share a part of the preface to entice you to…

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Thoughts on Emotions

Friends, Welcome to my 13th newsletter. In this letter, I want to share thoughts on emotions … what they are, why they are important, and how we might better manage them for our own benefit and those around us. Emotions,…

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